Let’s Talk: a podcast about doing business in the time of Covid-19

Let’s Talk is a podcast series about doing business in the time of Covid-19: each episode features a different Mazars expert talking about how they have helped clients navigate the business impact of coronavirus and prepare for what comes next.

From billion-dollar stimulus packages to reshaping business models, staying in touch with teams and preparing for the post-pandemic economy, Let’s Talk dives into the business critical issues shaping the way the world works.

Find Let’s Talk on Spotify, Deezer, Soundcloud and Apple Podcasts.

Listen on Deezer

[#LetsTalk] EP10 The public sector has had to face its future and go digital

Today’s guest is Peter Wundsam, Managing Partner of Mazars in Austria, who tells us about his changing leadership style, the usefulness of hackathons and his ambition for the firm’s future. So, Let’s Talk…